Today, we’re diving into a topic I hold dear: how moving from the ordinary to the non-ordinary unlocks new creative possibilities.


Whether you’re a writer, actor, filmmaker, or storyteller, this is your invitation to step out of your familiar patterns and into something fresh, chaotic, and full of potential.

From Patterns to Chaos to Growth

Let’s face it—we all live in patterns. As creatives, these routines, habits, and familiar ways of approaching our craft help us navigate storytelling, character development, and the complexities of our creative process. But here’s the kicker: staying in the same pattern for too long can limit your growth and stifle your creative genius.


The magic happens when you break these patterns—be it how you think, move, breathe, or create. And guess what? When you break a pattern, chaos follows. But chaos isn’t something to be feared. Chaos is the birthplace of transformation. It’s the space between the old and the new where real creativity flourishes.

Embracing Chaos with Excitement

I was recently asked, “Don’t you feel anxious or destabilized when you break these patterns?” My answer? I love it! I get excited when I feel things are shifting or shaking up. It’s part of the process of personal and creative breakthroughs.


I did have this one time in particular—I went too far—during an intense pranayama breathing session (a yogic technique). I pushed myself beyond my limits, and it took about half a day to re-center. But even in that experience, I learned something valuable: knowing when to stop, rest, and recalibrate is also part of the creative process.

The Power of Non-Ordinary Actions

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on how I break patterns. It doesn’t have to be earth-shattering. Sometimes, it’s as simple as breathing differently. We typically take in 6 to 12 breaths per minute, but what happens when you slow it down to one breath per minute? Suddenly, you’ve moved from the ordinary to the non-ordinary, creating space for new awareness and perception.


Here’s another example: walking backward. It sounds simple, right? Most of us always walk forward because it’s what we’re used to. But by reversing my movement and walking backward for a set time each day, I’ve opened myself up to new sensory experiences and expanded my perception of space.


Even smaller, everyday actions can be transformed. I noticed I always use my right leg to step up onto a curb, so I started consciously using my left leg. These small shifts in behavior are not just about movement—they’re about creating awareness and tapping into the power of non-ordinary actions.

40 Days of Exploring Place and Presence

Starting on the Fall Equinox, I’m taking these experiments a step further with a 40-day challenge. Each day, I’ll visit a place I’ve never been before. If I have been there, I’ll approach it as if it’s completely new.
The goal? Experience each location with fresh eyes, a heightened sense of presence, and deep curiosity. You see, places hold history, resonance, and energy. And by being present in a space, we can connect more deeply with those invisible qualities.

The Random Journey: Using the Randonautica App

One tool I’ll be using during this journey is the Randonautica app, which provides random coordinates for new locations. I’m particularly excited to experiment with visiting five different places in a single day, layering experiences, and challenging my perceptions of space and place.

Place as Character, Character as Place

There’s an old saying: “Place is character, and character is place.” Indigenous cultures have long recognized the sacredness of the place. However, in our fast-paced world, we tend to overlook the energy and history of the places we inhabit.


Yet, every place has a resonance, even when we don’t consciously acknowledge it. Think about it: when tragedy strikes, we memorialize that place. Even if a building is torn down, the energy of the event remains. It’s a powerful reminder that places shape us just as much as we shape them—both in life and in our creative work.

Crossing Thresholds: Embracing Change

One of my favorite metaphors for creativity is crossing thresholds. Each time you step through a doorway, something changes—not just externally but internally, too. Your thoughts, feelings, and even breathing patterns shift. This is also true when you transition from one creative phase to another.
As we move through the Equinox—a time of balance and change—I encourage you to embrace these shifts, challenge your creative patterns, explore new places, and allow yourself to move beyond the ordinary.

A Few Creative Takeaways:

  • Break patterns: Whether it’s how you walk, breathe, or create—interrupt the routine.
  • Embrace chaos: Chaos is where true transformation and creativity thrive.
  • Stay present: Explore the energy of places and let them influence your creative process.
  • Cross thresholds: Every new space offers a shift in perspective—internally and externally.

Join Me on the Journey

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of breaking patterns and embracing the unknown. If you’re inspired, I invite you to try one of these approaches in your own creative life. Let’s continue exploring, growing, and expanding our creative possibilities.


Because in the end, nothing is as it seems—and that’s where the magic can begin.


Stay curious. Stay creative.
— Joshua Townshend