You don’t have creative blocks. You do have the blame game going. Let me explain.


As soon as you predicate one thing on another—”Now, before I can do this, I need to do that” — you place yourself at the effect, not the cause. You surrendered your creative power, your creative agency.


But to live as an artist, to live as a creator, you must recognize this fundamental truth:


A creative creates.


Let me say that again:


A creative creates.


In the act of creation, you cannot be a consumer. You cannot be in reaction. You cannot be at the beck and call of someone or something else.

When you are genuinely in creation, you are the source. You are not waiting for the “right time” or the “perfect condition.” You are creating the moment. You are creating the thing—whatever that thing is.


The Root of Creative Power

I Am That I Am.

This is the foundation of all creative work.

Now, If you want to create consciously, to make something meaningful and intentional, you must first assume the role of the conscious creator.

Then, we move towards being in alignment with this I AM state.


What Alignment Brings

You don’t have to be in alignment to create. You can create working with chaos – through pain and struggle – people do it all the time. But here’s the thing: without alignment, it’s like driving a car with tires out of alignment. You will experience:

  • The tread wears out faster.
  • There’s more friction, more heat, more tension.
  • You burn more gas (energy) from point A to point B.

It’s harder. It costs more—physically, emotionally, mentally.

But when the car is in alignment?

  • Less friction.
  • More ease.
  • Better gas mileage.
  • And the ride feels smooth.

Aligned thoughts and feelings work the same way. They reduce resistance in your creative process. You still move forward, but now it’s with more flow and less wear-and-tear on your system.

So, while alignment isn’t essential, it’s an incredible tool. When you’re in alignment, creating becomes a pure delight.


Conscious Creatives Create

This leads us to the next layer: Consciousness.


Conscious creatives create.

What does this mean? It means showing up with intentionality, clarity, and awareness in your process. When you’re a conscious creative, you’re not just making things—you’re aware of how and why you’re making them.

A conscious creative knows:

  • Every thought & feeling is part of your creative process.
  • Every feeling is felt as the energy you bring to the table.
  • Every choice is an act of creation.

When you create consciously, you’re no longer spinning your wheels or throwing ideas into the void. You’re tuned in, dialed in, and building from a place of power.

Freedom to Enter and Exit States

Creative mastery is the ability to enter and exit freely into any state of being. It is essential for a long, happy, creative life.

Imagine an actor who carries their character’s anger long after the performance. Or a writer who gets lost in the despair of a tragic scene they’re crafting. They are trapped—not free.

Freedom comes when you can fully enter a state, live in it completely, and then step out without any trace of residue. This freedom requires practice and begins with creating the space to create.

Creation Requires Nothing Else

Here’s where most people get stuck:

They predicate their creative process on something external.

  • As soon as I’m in a healthy relationship, then I’ll write that script.
  • When I get a better car, then I’ll start dating.
  • Once I move to the beach, then I’ll clean my house.

These thoughts—”if only,” “when I,” and “as soon as”—rob us of our authentic creative gifts and power. These statements will turn anyone into a less empowered creative.

I hear you say: “But I’m not a victim.” And yet, when you predicate your creativity on some future condition, that’s precisely what you become.

The Antidote

The antidote is radical accountability.

You start now.

You create now.

You work with what’s in front of you.

If you have five minutes in the morning, you create with those five minutes. If you have 25 minutes, you create with 25. It’s not about the time—it’s about the intentionality.

When you stop making excuses, you open yourself to a more abundant future and expand your state of infinite possibility.

Conscious vs. Unconscious Creation

Here’s the shift:

When you stop unconsciously making excuses, delays, and “if only” scenarios, you start the process of consciously creating your reality.

When you consciously create, you realize:

  • All you need is already in front of you.
  • Alignment amplifies your process.
  • And you, as the conscious creative, are the ultimate source.

This is freedom.

This is power.

This is creation.


A Challenge

Right now, ask yourself:

  • What am I waiting for?
  • What “if only” story am I telling myself?

Then, look at what’s in front of you.

What can you create today with what you already have?

Because here’s the truth: the creative process doesn’t wait. And it doesn’t need anything you don’t already have.


Start where you are.

Use what you have.

Do what you can.




Because conscious creatives create.




Thank you for reading this. I know some of this might not yet be part of your daily creative work, but I aim to distill all this down to bite-sized experiences that can grow over time.