Welcome to The Creative Present! Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that hits close to home for many creatives—breaking free from patterns. Whether you’re an artist, actor, writer, or just someone looking to explore your own narrative, understanding and expanding beyond repetitive patterns is crucial. It’s about giving space to your space, allowing spaciousness in your work, and going beyond the boundaries of time and space.


Patterns: More Than You Think

We all have patterns. They can be patterns of behavior, thought, or even feeling. Think of a loop—patterns are like loops that repeat over time. In creative work, these patterns can have a huge impact on how we perceive a character or a narrative. If we break down these loops and explore them, we can discover new layers that lie within the pattern. This opens up a whole world of possibilities.


But how do we break these patterns? That’s what I’m here to explore with you.


Breaking the Loop

Imagine your favorite character in a video game. There’s a term called NPC, or non-playing character, in gaming. These characters are designed with limited behaviors—they can only do a few specific things like taking your order or crossing their arms impatiently. You’ll see them repeating the same small loop of behavior over and over. They are limited by design.

Now, let’s consider how this concept applies to characters in film, theater, or even our personal lives. While the loop might be bigger for the main character, it still exists. Patterns of behavior or traits are often repeated, limiting the character’s possibilities. But what if we could break that loop?

Let’s say you’re writing or playing a very buttoned-up, uptight accountant. The natural instinct is to keep that character rigid, defined by their job. But what if you introduced something unexpected? Maybe this accountant wears playful, colorful socks—grounded in reality, but it adds dimension. It’s these small details that break the pattern and offer more depth. Suddenly, the character becomes more than their loop, more real, more human.


Iconic Examples of Pattern Breaking

In the movie Apocalypse Now, we see a general step outside the expected loop when he says, “I love the smell of napalm in the morning.” It’s unexpected, but it’s one of the most memorable lines in cinema. Similarly, Dennis Hopper’s character in Blue Velvet uses an oxygen mask mid-conversation. These moments aren’t arbitrary—they’re grounded in the character’s reality—but they expand what we thought the character was capable of.


Breaking patterns can be transformative, both for the character and the audience.


The Loop Within Us

It’s not just characters—people, too, have loops. We repeat the same emotional cycles—whether it’s anger, frustration, or sadness—because something in that loop isn’t being completed. It’s like a record skipping over the same part. As creatives, we can dig into these loops, exploring and amplifying them in our narratives to create breakthroughs.

When we break these loops, chaos often follows, and in that chaos is the opportunity for growth and realignment. This is where transformation happens, both for our characters and for ourselves.


Key Takeaways for Your Creative Journey:

  • Identify Patterns: Recognize the loops in your characters and yourself. Where do things get stuck? What emotional cycles keep repeating?
  • Break the Loop: Open up possibilities by introducing something unexpected but grounded in reality. This creates depth and makes your characters more dynamic.
  • Allow Chaos: When a pattern is broken, chaos often follows. Embrace it—it’s an opportunity for realignment and growth.
  • Give Space to Your Space: Allow spaciousness in your creative work. Explore the moments between the loops, where new discoveries can happen.
  • Explore Beyond Time and Space: Let go of the limitations your narrative imposes. Go beyond what’s expected and play with possibilities that stretch the boundaries of your character’s world.


By breaking patterns and allowing spaciousness, we open up our creative work to new levels of discovery. Whether you’re working on a character in a story or exploring your own inner loops, this process brings transformation. So, next time you find yourself or your character stuck in a loop, remember: there’s always room to break free and discover what’s beyond.


Thanks for joining me on this journey! Let’s continue to explore, create, and expand beyond our limitations together.